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源码名称: SuperMaketManager
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: C-C++
源码分类: Shop supermarket software system
文件大小: 2754 KB
热    度:
源码作者 : 赵利民
整理时间: 2013-03-02
源码简介: 本系统分管理员模块和普通用户模块。其中管理员模块功能如下:1.修改自身密码2.显示所有商品信息3.增加商品4.删除商品5.修改商品信息6.删除普通用户信息7.增加普通用户8.修改用户密码9.清空所有商品普通用户模块只能对商品进行查询,其中包括按ID查询和按商品名称查询。-This system runs administrator module and ordinary users module.The administrator module function are as follows:1. Modify their own password2. Show all commodity information3. Increase merchandise4. Delete commodity5. Modify commodity information6. Delete common user information7. Add a normal user8. To modify the user password9. Clean up all the goodsOrdinary users module can only to goods inquiry, including ID inquires according to and the product name query.

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