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源码名称: NET_jiaowu_guanli_V1.0
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: ASP
源码分类: OA
文件大小: 804 KB
热    度:
源码作者 : hhh
整理时间: 2013-01-29
源码简介: 软件类别: .NET源码 / OA系统教务管理系统内含有1.教师评价系统,2.学生成绩管理系统,3.班级课程表,4.系统信箱4大功能。系统采用B/S模式实现,管理员,教师,学生均可以通过浏览器访问本系统。来完成,学生成绩的输入,管理和查询,教师教学质量的评价和分数查询,课程的查询,课程表的打印,以及系统内部信息的发布。-Software Type:. NET source/OA system of educational management system contains one. Teacher evaluation system, 2. Student achievement management system, 3. Class curriculum, 4. System-mail 4 major features. System uses the B/S mode, administrators, teachers, students can access through the browser of the system. To complete, their performance input, management and inquiries, the evaluation of teaching quality of teachers and scores of inquiries, curriculum inquiry, curriculum printing, as well as the release of internal information systems.

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