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  Project.rar 2013-01-22 2 KB
patient record system
源码类型:C++             源码分类:hospital software system
  PHsoftwareV1.0.rar 2013-01-22 123 KB
整个系统的源代码,已初步验证,有兴趣的朋友请多交流-The source code of the entire system has been preliminary verification
源码类型:C-C++             源码分类:hospital software system
  20040709delphixingguang.rar 2013-01-22 166 KB
药店管理信息系统 药店管理信息系统 药店管理信息系统-aj adkgj akgj aklgj ag j aklgj
源码类型:Delphi             源码分类:hospital software system
  menzhenchufang.rar 2013-01-22 695 KB
门诊处方管理软件主要用于门诊管理、药品管理、门诊处方管理、管理方式先进,操作简单。-This is the Management system for clinic,The system is simple to using
源码类型:Delphi             源码分类:hospital software system
  PcCode_200885203330953.rar 2013-01-22 1005 KB
用VB编写的医疗门诊收费系统,配有主要语句注释-VB prepared with out-patient charges for medical systems, with the main statements Notes
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:hospital software system
  hosp_goodhsiu.rar 2013-01-22 20326 KB
完整本人调制修正的医院网站全站美观大方-a full site for hospital, have been test good
源码类型:ASP             源码分类:hospital software system
  zhenduanshiyan.rar 2013-01-22 4 KB
诊断试验评价指标,主要用于医学诊断实验各项指标的统计分析.-Evaluation of diagnostic tests, mainly for medical diagnostic test statistical analysis of the indicators.
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:hospital software system
  qiyerenshi.rar 2013-01-22 42 KB
这是医药行业的一款企业人事管理的小工具,应该不错-This is the pharmaceutical industry personnel management of a small tool, it should be good
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:hospital software system
  T1simdata.m.rar 2013-01-22 1 KB
T1 relaxation NNLS simulation setup.
源码类型:matlab             源码分类:hospital software system
  multiplefdf.m.rar 2013-01-22 2 KB
multiple FDF file reader build on the Sharon Zhang FDF reader.
源码类型:matlab             源码分类:hospital software system
  fdf3d.m.rar 2013-01-22 2 KB
Matlab FDF 3D reader buil on the Sharon Zhang FDF reader.
源码类型:matlab             源码分类:hospital software system
  ccyf.rar 2013-01-22 212 KB
delphi+sql做的仓储药房管理系统,基本实现了各种功能-delphi+ sql do pharmacy warehouse management system, the basic realization of the various functions
源码类型:Delphi             源码分类:hospital software system
  PortalDemo.rar 2013-01-22 590 KB
Net下应用NHibernate的模板项目-Net applications under NHibernate template project
源码类型:CSharp             源码分类:hospital software system
  yiyuan.rar 2013-01-22 2109 KB
医院管理系统,可以进行简单的私人医院管理,如进货,销售,病历等-Hospital management system that can perform simple management of private hospitals, such as purchasing, sales, medical records, etc.
源码类型:ASP             源码分类:hospital software system
  18b20readromcode.rar 2013-01-22 21 KB
温度单总线采集程序,实现多路温度采集,做多可以做到10路。-Acquisition procedures temperature single-bus,The realization of multi-channel temperature acquisition, be able to do more than 10 routes.
源码类型:C-C++             源码分类:hospital software system
  HealthStudent.rar 2013-01-22 8615 KB
一套学生体检管理系统,针对医院学生体检,已在湖南一家医院成功实施。略加修改就可用于一般体检中心。-A management system for medical students, medical students against the hospital, a hospital in Hunan have b
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:hospital software system
  AdvancedFont.rar 2013-01-22 330 KB
ocx Helpful for you to create code at hospital management
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:hospital software system
  delphi_hospital.rar 2013-01-22 806 KB
这时delphi下开发的,非常不错的一个源码,描述了医院管理方面。-a good programme developed using delphi for HIS(Hospital Information management system)
源码类型:Delphi             源码分类:hospital software system
  hospital.rar 2013-01-22 2320 KB
医院管理系统,使用增强GRIDview插件,自制2维区间表,方便查找医生信息-Hospital Management System, the use of plug-ins to enhance GRIDview made between 2-D table for the doctor to find information
源码类型:CSharp             源码分类:hospital software system
  LRH.rar 2013-01-22 1388 KB
this project is designed for hospital using php.u can benifit from it.
源码类型:PHP             源码分类:hospital software system
  rsqbySorting_Final.rar 2013-01-22 1176 KB
新一代测序技术illumina solexa输出短序列去冗余的字典算法实现,比一般去冗余方法占用更少资源,速度更快。-Illumina solexa a new generation of sequencing technology to sequence the output short dictionary redu
源码类型:C++             源码分类:hospital software system
  lastz_postprocess.rar 2013-01-22 1433 KB
lastz分析软件输出文件axt格式的后处理优化,经过多次应用修改已经非常完善!-lastz analysis software axt output file format to optimize the post-processing, through a series of application to amend has been v
源码类型:C++             源码分类:hospital software system
  ccjlsoftsrc.rar 2013-01-22 257 KB
出差就医管理系统,VC++结合Access而完成的一套小巧的数据库系统,当初只是为了方便自己管理员工而写的,现在仍然有用,如果你要求不高的话。   同时,也希望VC++的新手学习一下,程序是非常简单的,仅完成的员工出差就医的登记
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:hospital software system
  yaoping.rar 2013-01-22 1042 KB
药品进销存管理系统采用sql作为数据库 基本功能都有大家二次开发非常方便-Purchase, Sales and Inventory Management System Drugs using sql as the database has all the basic functions of the second developme
源码类型:Delphi             源码分类:hospital software system
  Hospital.rar 2013-01-22 875 KB
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:hospital software system
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  1. guahao
  2. MedicineManager
  3. MShop0830
  4. LIS-Interface
  5. SisFarm
  6. HighLightSolution
  7. HIM_new
  8. Display-3D-Image
  9. 医院管理系统(处方发药)
  10. hospitalSearch