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源码名称: OptoData_Exchange1
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: C++ Builder
源码分类: Post-TeleCom sofeware systems
文件大小: 383 KB
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源码作者 : 陈晓晖
整理时间: 2013-02-21
源码简介: 一般OPTO22工业控制器主要用于IO控制,用途比较广泛而其上位机一般使用DELPHI平台或BCB平台进行建模和控制,该程序实现了OPTO和C++builder平台下上位机之间模拟量/数字量的传输,并以得到实际应用,效果很好-General OPTO22 industrial controller is mainly used IO control, use of relatively broad and general use of its PC DELPHI platform or BCB platform modeling and control, the program achieved OPTO and C++ Builder platform between PC analog digital transmission, and their practical application, the effect of good

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