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源码名称: radiomanager
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: C-C++
源码分类: source in ebook
文件大小: 3000 KB
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源码作者 : 王璇
整理时间: 2013-01-01
源码简介: 家庭视频监控系统,本系统管理员用户名为:Tsoft,密码为:111。注册后,单击“开始”按钮进行家庭视频操作.通过“云台控制”区域下的各个按钮,对云台的聚焦、对焦、光圈及雨刷进行设置操作。通过“方向控制”区域下的各个按钮,对云台方向进行上、下、左、右控制。选择“自动监控”区域下的各个单选按钮,然后,单击该区域下的“开始”按钮,可实现广角、水平和垂直自动监控功能。单击“监控管理”按钮,弹出监控管理窗体。通过该窗体可对管理员信息进行添加、修改及删除操作。单击“录像”按钮,进行家庭录像操作。单击“回放”按钮,查看已经录制的视频文件。选择“快照”区域内的单选按钮,然后单击“快照”按钮,实现屏幕快速抓图操作。单击“停止”按钮,停止家庭视频操作。再次单击该按钮,重新开始视频监控。-Home video surveillance system, the system administrator user name: Tsoft password: 111. Registered, click the "Start" button, home video operations. "PTZ control" under the button, the focus of PTZ, focus, aperture and wipers set operation.By "direction control" area under each button, the upper, lower, left and right control of PTZ direction.Select the radio button under the automatic monitoring area, and then click the "Start" button in the region, wide-angle, horizontal and vertical automatic monitoring function.Click the button of the monitoring and management, and pop-up monitoring and management form. Administrator information through the form to add, modify and delete operations. Click the "Video" button, home video operation. Click the "Playback" button to view the recorded video file. Select "snapshot" of the radio buttons in the area, and then click the "Snapshot" button, the screen quickly capture operation. Click the "Stop" button to stop the operation of the home vi

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