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源码名称: PowerEasy2006
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: ASP
源码分类: Other systems
文件大小: 12403 KB
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源码作者 : jeremy
整理时间: 2013-01-03
源码简介: 软件简介:系统安装步骤:1、安装IIS。   2、安装动易组件  3、双击PowerEasy2006.exe,按照提示一步步操作,完成动易系统文件的解压缩。4、修改conn.asp文件中的数据库参数。5、运行install.asp。6、后台管理帐号:admin  密码:admin-software description : system installation steps : one, install IIS. 2, the installation of three components easy to move, click PowerEasy2006.exe. according to the prompt an operation step by step, moving to complete the system files easily decompress. 4, modify conn.asp document database parameters. 5, running install.asp. 6, account management background : admin password : admin

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