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源码名称: riskquantify-0.7.6
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: C-C++
源码分类: Finance-Stock software system
文件大小: 1310 KB
热    度:
源码作者 : balife
整理时间: 2013-01-02
源码简介: 风险财务控制库Risk Quantify is an open source financial library, with a focus onmanaging the risk of financial instruments. The aim of this project isto provide people working in the financial industry with a good base touse in building their own applications. Risk Quantify provides pricingroutines, term structure building and management, calendar routines,asset management routines and more.-The risk of financial control Treasury Risk Quantify is an open source financial library, with a focus onmanaging the risk of financial instruments. The aim of this project isto provide people working in the financial industry with a good base touse in building their own applications. Risk Quantify provides pricingroutines, term structure building and management, calendar routines, asset management routines and more.

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