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  qhdweb.zip 2013-01-03 459 KB
图书管理系统论文加代码,系统很好,保证能过关-library management system increases papers code, a good system, the guarantee of clearance
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:Other systems
  MeiZiHuaYan.zip 2013-01-03 14 KB
这是我在单位工作时用的煤质化验计算软件附源码,供大家学习。zwgsss2163.com-This is the unit I work with the coal quality testing software with source code for the study. Zwgsss2163.com
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:Other systems
  MfcDesign.zip 2013-01-03 2492 KB
MFC做的学生管理系统,对自己C++学习的一个鉴定,希望对大家有帮助-do MFC student management system for their own learning a C identification, we hope to help
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Other systems
  gongcang.zip 2013-01-03 12123 KB
工厂管理系统?こЧ芾硐低?-factory management systems factory management system
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:Other systems
  tieluwuziguanli.zip 2013-01-03 766 KB
铁路局物资管理系统源代码源代码语言: 简体中文 运行方式: Win9x Win2000 WinNT WinXP Linux Unix -Railway Material Management System source code languages : English Operation : Win9x Win2000 WinNT WinXP Lin
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Other systems
  asp.qiguan.zip 2013-01-03 2032 KB
现成的企业电子网站源码,含access数据库,稍加修改,就会成为您的了。-off-the-shelf e-business website source, with access database, a little change, you will become of it.
源码类型:ASP             源码分类:Other systems
  pqdiflib.zip 2013-01-03 147 KB
电能质量交换格式转换库,C语言源代码,可用于多种环境。-power quality format conversion for the exchange, C language source code that can be used for a variety of environments.
源码类型:Unix_Linux             源码分类:Other systems
  hv.zip 2013-01-03 257 KB
书籍管理,一个简单使用的书籍管理程序原代码,用VB编写,只供参考-management books, a simple use of the books original code management procedures, VB prepared for informational purposes only
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:Other systems
  Process1Monitor.zip 2013-01-03 72 KB
监视进程java语言开发的监视进程小程序-surveillance process java language development process small surveillance procedures
源码类型:Java             源码分类:Other systems
  TradeMIS.zip 2013-01-03 4461 KB
vc6+sql2000+odbc 功能强大的贸易公司管理系统。-vc6++ MACHINE odbc powerful trading company management system.
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Other systems
  SalaryMIS.zip 2013-01-03 2107 KB
VC6+ACCESS+ODBC,强大而实用的公司工资管理系统,内有详细使用说明。-VC6 ACCESS ODBC, powerful and practical management of the company wage system, with detailed usage instructions.
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Other systems
  PowerEasy_eShop2006.zip 2013-01-03 12402 KB
涵盖了全方位的商品供应、库存、销售、财务管理等内容,为网络商家提供一整套出色的电子商城运营解决方案-covers all of the supply of goods, inventory, marketing, financial management, network provides busines
源码类型:ASP             源码分类:Other systems
  PowerEasy2006.zip 2013-01-03 12403 KB
软件简介:系统安装步骤:1、安装IIS。   2、安装动易组件  3、双击PowerEasy2006.exe,按照提示一步步操作,完成动易系统文件的解压缩。4、修改conn.asp文件中的数据库参数。5、运行install.asp。6、后台管理帐号:admin
源码类型:ASP             源码分类:Other systems
  ZeroBT.zip 2013-01-03 22 KB
实时抓取凯神BT站的全部数据为自己所用,已去除凯神BT站上的广告,加快显示速度-Kay God BT stops all the data for their own use, Kay God has removed BT stands on the advertising, accelerating the speed
源码类型:ASP             源码分类:Other systems
  diyige.zip 2013-01-03 1138 KB
第一格子网源码演示地址:http://www.diyige.com.cn■超大100 x 100像素广告格子,广告更加无拘束! ■完全免费,无论大小网站,谁都可以申请获得! ■加入条件:在你站加本站Logo;每被点击,你在本站格子就排第一! ■每页3000个
源码类型:ASP             源码分类:Other systems
  prob.zip 2013-01-03 1 KB
用于计算贝叶斯频谱概率,可用于实际工程!!!-used to calculate the Bayesian probability spectrum can be used for actual works! ! !
源码类型:matlab             源码分类:Other systems
  ArcGisEngineSave_MxD.zip 2013-01-03 61 KB
好不容易找到的用多种语言写的ArcGisEngine二次开发程序,压缩文件中包括CSharp,VB.net,VB,Java,Visual_CPP,Motif_CPP。希望对大家有用-she found the writing of several languages ArcGisEngine secondary developme
源码类型:MultiPlatform             源码分类:Other systems
  thecodeofjinxiaocun.zip 2013-01-03 413 KB
经销存软件,虽然是麻雀小,但是功能还可以,可以来了解思想-deposit software distribution, although it is a small sparrow, but the function can also be thinking to understand
源码类型:Delphi             源码分类:Other systems
  0112_ur2.zip 2013-01-03 2639 KB
一个很好的在线购物系统,后台十分强大,如果网上有比这个更好的购物系统,请你不要下载!-a good online shopping system, a very strong background, the Internet is better than shopping, please do not download!
源码类型:ASP             源码分类:Other systems
  JLQJGL.zip 2013-01-03 991 KB
计量器具管理系统,有些东西可以让初学者借鉴,如果找不到相应控件请给我发邮件-measuring equipment management system, something beginners can learn from, if not the corresponding controls please give me an em
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:Other systems
  yancaogl.zip 2013-01-03 139 KB
这是一个用VB编写出来的烟草管理系统,希望对搞毕业设计的学生能有一定的帮助-This is a VB written by the tobacco management system, and I hope to engage in graduate design students will be of some help
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:Other systems
  javasusheguanli.zip 2013-01-03 566 KB
利用java编写的一个学生宿舍管理系统,有兴趣的朋友可以下载-prepared by the use of a student hostel management system, the friends are interested can download
源码类型:Java             源码分类:Other systems
  kqxt.zip 2013-01-03 2877 KB
一个pb的考勤系统,旁边pb8.0+sql server-an appraisal system, beside pb8.0 sql server
源码类型:Others             源码分类:Other systems
  khgl.zip 2013-01-03 7902 KB
一个不错的源程序DELPHI开发的,功能比较好的客户管理系统-a good source of Delphi development, function better customer management system
源码类型:Delphi             源码分类:Other systems
  yiyaoguanlixitong.zip 2013-01-03 2499 KB
一个超完善的医药管理系统,用VC++编的,使用了一下,很不错啊-an ultra-sound medical management system, with VC series, the use of it, and very responds :
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Other systems
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  1. knime-rsrc
  2. radius3.6B.4linux.tar
  3. pcfeap-src
  4. casio-dt900-src
  5. card_manage
  6. v3025_exe2com
  7. Fuel_Combustion_1.00
  8. OPC_Client_Header
  9. J-Sim_gEditor_v0.6.tgz
  10. mfold-3.2